Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lose Weight Without Hunger Pangs?


Designed with ingredients to support blood sugar balance, satiety in between regular meals and healthy muscle mass, SDII helps to maintain healthy weight as part of a weight management programme that includes dietary changes and exercise.

A comprehensive blend of high quality isolated non-GMO soy protein (75%), fibre, Green Tea leaf extract, vitamins and minerals. The SDII Meal Supplement contains no artificial sweeteners or flavours and helps to ensure that your body has all the essential nutrients including protein so that fat remains the primary fuel and you maintain muscle mass and tone. Each serve provides 10 grams of useable protein which counts towards your daily requirement.

Dosage: 15 g (2 scoops) 4 times daily at breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Mix with 250ml of water - shake well to combine. The FibreMax powder can be blended with the Slim Diet II 2 shakes.

Slim Diet’s Unique Benefits
1. It is completely natural, safe, rapid and cost effective.
2. There are no ravenous hunger pains and a satisfying volume of food is consumed daily.
3. You can measure, by means of a simple test, whether you are burning fat or not.
4. You lose only fat, not lean body tissue (as in low calorie diets), thereby maintaining good muscle and skin tone.
5. Detoxification and cleansing of your body’s system is automatic.
6. The plan offers great encouragement, as weight loss is more rapid than any other programme based on calorie or exercise principles.
7. Identification of your body’s metabolic rate (critical carbohydrate level).
8. A very effective support system.
9. Establishes the basis and knowledge to maintain weight control forever.
10. More energy with no dieting blues or side effects.

The changes in metabolic processes and the breakdown of stored fats while on the Slim Diet II Weight Management Programme increase our need for water.

It is essential that a minimum of 2.0 litres of water be consumed daily while on the Slim Diet II Weight Management Programme, more if you exercise or live in a hot climate.

Unsweetened herbal teas including green tea can count as part of your total water intake.

Have you ever stopped to question why when we have so many diet foods available, we are in fact getting fatter, not thinner? Obviously there's a bit more to weight management than just counting calories.

The food we eat triggers various responses in our body. Food that is high in refined carbohydrates or sugar are broken down into a simple sugar called glucose and absorbed into the blood very quickly. The body responds to this surge in blood glucose by releasing enough insulin to get the glucose out of the blood and into cells for energy, or storage for use later on. Guess what form it's often stored as? That's right, fat!

To help with your weight management goals you need to learn which foods should be dumped from the diet, and which ones should be included.

The Slim Diet II Weight Management Programme doesn't count calories, instead it will teach you to identify and include high quality foods in your everyday life that will form the foundation of your ongoing health, wellness & weight management.

Low Carb Meals are allowed when you're on Slim Diet II Weight Loss Programme.

Those who wish to obtain more info on Slim Diet II and Lemon Myrtle Green Tea, please call 012-2452810 or 016-2030547.

1 comment:

  1. THE 3 WEEK DIET is a revolutionary new diet system that not only guarantees to help you lose weight — it promises to help you lose more weight — all body fat — faster than anything else you’ve ever tried.
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