Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Does Drinking Water Speed Up Your Metabolism?

If you've ever tried to lose weight, you've probably wished you could speed up your metabolism and burn calories more easily. Weight-loss programs often promise to provide "metabolism-boosting" secrets, but the savvy dieter should know that many of these are just gimmicks.
Many theories about metabolism are falsely rooted in the idea that there are particular foods or beverages that will magically increase your ability to burn calories. While most nutritionists agree that eating meals based on whole grains and lean proteins is a healthy diet practice, this approach won't actually help you burn calories faster. Neither will "fat-burning" foods like grapefruit or cabbage.
"Unfortunately, there isn't a food that we can eat that is going to burn away those excess pounds," says Jenna Anding, PhD, RD, of the department of nutrition and food science at Texas A&M in College Station, Texas.
Here's the truth about other popular metabolism-boosting theories, including the one that actually works.
5 Metabolism Boosters: Separating Fact From Fiction
  1. Don't eat close to bedtime. You may have been told not to eat too close to bedtime because of the theory that your metabolism slows down at night and you'll lose less weight than you would if you ate the same food earlier in the day. Not true, says Donna L. Weihofen, MS, RD, health nutritionist at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics in Madison, Wisc. "Calories count whether you eat them in the morning or at night. The problem with nighttime eaters is that they are usually eating far more calories than they think, and the calories are denser."
  2. Drinking water speeds metabolism. Drinking plenty of water is healthful for a number of reasons, but it doesn't make your body burn calories faster. It can help you feel full, which may keep some cravings at bay. "But that effect doesn't last very long," Weihofen cautions. "One of the things that does help is soup before a meal. A broth-type soup does help cut down on the amount of calories you will eat." Of course, broth won't speed metabolism, either, but it will help you stick to your diet plan.
  3. Eat at the same time or at certain times every day to burn calories. Some diets recommend eating every couple of hours, while others advise sticking to a consistent schedule or number of meals for weight-loss success. Following a set schedule may help you stick to a diet plan, but doesn't help you burn more calories. "There's no magic to that," explains Weihofen. "It's whatever fits your lifestyle and your diet."
  4. Eating breakfast boosts metabolism. Eating breakfast on a regular basis is important for shedding pounds, but not solely because it improves your metabolism, says Emily Banes, RD, clinical dietitian at Houston Northwest Medical Center. "People who eat only one meal a day will shut down their metabolism. So breakfast is partly a metabolism-booster and it is partly to make sure you stay on track for the rest of the day," notes Banes. People who eat breakfast are less likely to binge later in the day, which of course promotes weight loss.
  5. Build muscle. The reality is that there is only one way to enhance metabolism: Build more lean muscle mass. "The best way to increase metabolism is by incorporating physical activity, both cardio and weight training, to increase lean muscle mass, which is what burns the calories!" advises Dr. Anding.
Even at rest, muscle tissue burns more calories than fat, Anding says. So weight-loss programs that encourage strength training and other forms of exercise to improve your metabolism are your best bet.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How To Maintain Your Weight ?

Many of my customers who have managed to obtain their ideal weight after consuming Alpha Lipid Slim Diet 2 asked me how to best maintain their body weight. So, here we go...

You already know that to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. You've tried dieting, keeping a food diary, creating an exercise regimen, and perhaps even hypnosis before consuming Slim Diet 2. It's now obvious that the problem is with your willpower.

Old habits die hard. If you're having a hard time maintaining your efforts over time, here are some radical ways to break away from the routine.

1.Don't neglect the tried and true. Ultimately, losing weight comes down to one key principle: Burn more calories than you consume. The steps that follow won't work if you have a thousand more calories coming into your body on a daily basis than you have going out. Lay the foundation for weight loss with these practices:
. count calories and keep a food diary
. burn more calories by exercising-walk, run, even at the computer

2.Downsize your kitchenware. The human mind works in mysterious ways. It turns out that using smaller bowls, plates, and containers can subconsciously influence how much you serve yourself. Even nutrition experts are victims of this phenomenon; when 85 of them were given a random mix of small and large bowls and scoops, those who got larger bowls served themselves 31% more ice cream, and added on another 14.5% if they had bigger scoops!

3. Put down the fork. By putting down whatever utensils you're using between every bite, you can significantly slow down your eating time, leaving your stomach a chance to feel full and reducing the likelihood that you'll go for seconds. Another technique that can have a similar effect is to take a sip of water between each bite. Numerous studies have shown that eating slowly results in eating less. There's even a device you can get from a dentist that you wear to make your oral cavity smaller so that you take smaller bites, and "diet forks" that are so awkward to use that you'll get less food per bite!

4. Know the enemy! Make a list of the food items that are your weaknesses. These aren't always unhealthy foods, either. Sometimes we fool ourselves into believing that as long as we avoid the "bad" foods, we're making progress. At least, that's what we like to think as we get up for our third serving of fruit salad, or finish a bag of pretzels in one sitting, saying that they're healthier than chips. Remember that too much of anything is bad. Common culprits include soda, bread, alcohol, and fast food. Whatever your weakness is, cut down on it. If you cut it out completely, you're more likely to binge. Buy only small packages of it and have it only once in a while. If cutting down doesn't work, you might need to go cold turkey.

5. Choose whole grains over a whole belly. If you switch out all of your refined grain food (white bread, food made with white flour) for whole-grain food (oatmeal, whole-grain cereal, whole-grain pasta, brown rice and barley) you won't lose additional weight overall. However, you will lose more weight in the belly area, which will make you look thinner--at least, that's what a Penn State study implies.Not only will your slimmer profile make you feel better about your progress, but by losing the VAT (visceral adipose tissue) you're also doing away with a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, coronary vascular disease, and some types of cancer. Check those labels and make sure that any grain-based foods you buy are made up of at least fifty-one percent whole grain.

6. Limit your spending. Some people have an easier time controlling their wallet than controlling their diet. Go ahead, cut up those credit cards, and build up your emergency fund, if you haven't already (in its own account, and leave the bank card at home). Limit the amount of cash you have in your wallet, especially if you're subject to spontaneous fast food indulgences. When you go grocery shopping, have a list prepared, and bring just enough money to cover those items (this might take a few dry runs). The embarrassment of not having enough money at the register will keep you from throwing a few extra items in the shopping cart. If you don't do the grocery shopping, then offer to take on this monumental role. Your family or roommates might complain about the absence of junk food, but you'll be doing them a favor by stocking the kitchen with healthy stuff. They'll thank you...later...years later.

7. Set a digital watch to go off every two hours. Eat only when the watch tells you to. Spontaneous eating sessions (those times when you feel those hunger pangs, those cravings, and you scour the cabinets or the streets in search of satisfaction) are your weakest points. This is why all weight loss books tell you to avoid skipping meals. If you eat every two hours, you won't get so hungry that you gorge yourself when you do eat. You know how it goes: "Oh...I'm so hungry...the brownies are right there...I'd have to walk all the way to the deli to get a sandwich, but my stomach's churning...." Of course, if you eat the equivalent of a cheeseburger every two hours, that's a recipe for obesity, but again, you're more likely to retain self-control and stick to your diet when you don't have hunger pangs to cloud your judgment. It wouldn't hurt, however, to plan out what you'll eat (smoothie at 10, chicken salad at 12, a single piece of leftover cherry pie at 2, a slice of bread with peanut butter at 4, and so on).

 .This has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism. Extending the time between meals    makes your body go into "starvation mode," which will slow down your metabolism in response to the perceived threat of starvation. This is why fasting and skipping meals will only make things worse.

. Another useful way to think about this is to use a "hunger scale." Rate your hunger on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being so hungry that you feel weak and 10 being so full that you just want to curl up in bed and digest. Eat when you're at about 3, which is when you're just a little hungry, but not famished.

8. Trade weight for cash. A 2007 study showed that the more you pay people to lose weight, the more pounds they drop over a three-month period. If there's someone who keeps nagging you to lose weight, ask that person about paying you for every pound you lose. If your employer is self-insured, he or she might consider enlisting the services of a company that develops reward programs to encourage employees to lose weight. You can also sign a contract that forces you to pay up for every pound you don't lose (or every pound you gain) and whatever money you pay (or gain) can be donated to charity.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Simple Ways To Move Your Body

You can start the process of weight loss now by adding a little more activity to your life. If you're not ready for a structured program, start small. Every little bit counts and it all adds up to burning more calories.

.Turn off the TV. Once a week, turn off the TV and do something a little more physical with your family. Play games, take a walk...almost anything will be more active than sitting on the couch.

  • Walk more. Look for small ways to walk more. When you get the mail, take a walk around the block, take the dog for an extra outing each day or walk on your treadmill for 5 minutes before getting ready for work.

  • Do some chores. Shoveling snow, working in the garden, raking leaves, sweeping the floor...these kinds of activities may not be 'vigorous' exercise, but they can keep you moving while getting your house in order.

  • Pace while you talk. When you're on the phone, pace around or even do some cleaning while gabbing. This is a great way to stay moving while doing something you enjoy.

  • Be aware. Make a list of all the physical activities you do on a typical day. If you find that the bulk of your time is spent sitting, make another list of all the ways you could move more--getting up each hour to stretch or walk, walk the stairs at work, etc.

  • Eating Well
    Eating a healthy diet is another part of the healthy lifestyle. Not only can a clean diet help with weight management, it can also improve your health and quality of life as you get older.  If you're looking for smaller changes, you can use these tips for simple ways to change how you eat:

          .   Eat more fruit. Add it to your cereal, your salads or even your dinners.
    • Sneak in more veggies. Add them wherever you can--a tomato on your sandwich, peppers on your pizza, or extra veggies in your pasta sauce. Keep pre-cut or canned/frozen veggies ready for quick snacks.
    • Switch your salad dressing. If you eat full-fat dressing, switch to something lighter and you'll automatically eat less calories.
    • Eat low-fat or fat-free dairy. Switching to skim milk or fat free yogurt is another simple way to eat less calories without having to change too much in your diet.
    • Make some substitutes. Look through your cabinets or fridge and pick 3 foods you eat every day. Write down the nutritional content and, the next time you're at the store, find lower-calorie
    Creating a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to mean drastic changes. In fact, drastic changes almost always lead to failure. Making small changes in how you live each day can lead to big rewards, so figure out what you can to be healthy today. substitutes for just those 3 items.

    Comparisons of Alpha Lipid Slim Diet 2 to other products

    Many have said to me that AL Slim Diet 2 is expensive. It is a world class product formulated by Dr Carhill  and Dr Blackburn from Harvard Medical School. In addition it works for everybody!

    The Greatness of  AL Slim Diet 2 Programme :
    1. A healthy diet to lose weight naturally
    2. It tones your body and you will get your ideal body shape
    3. Long term weight management plan that is safe and healthy
    4. You don't feel tired (it contains complete ingredients that your body needs such as quality protein, vitamins, minerals and elements that your balanced body requires )
    5. Mantains the structure of your skin that is so natural and beautiful (does not sag)
    6. Gets rid of the accumulated fats in your body
    7. No hunger pangs
    8. No damaging side effects
    9. Effective and safe
    10. Halal

    Lose weight with AL Slim Diet 2. The loss is guaranteed, 1 tin of ALSD2 is equivalent to 5 kg weekly if you adhere strictly to the instructions. The fastest weight loss, maximum weight loss, cost effective and satisfaction guaranteed.

    Those who are interested to lose your body weight, wanting to know how, may contact me for more information on SD2. It's an effective weight loss programme, value for money and affordable.

    Thursday, June 21, 2012

    How Carbs Make You Fat !!!

    Despite the slightly too wild headline this is a nice new infographic about carbs, insulin and obesity. It’s simplified of course – it focuses only on the peripheral effects of insulin: growing fat cells.

    Chronically high levels of insulin also induces something called leptin resistance in the brain. What that does is basically make the brain blind to the fat stores, so that the brain can believe the body is starving even when it’s really obese. It’s a double whammy.

    The easiest way to become obese? Eat more (bad) carbs than you burn. Eat at McDonald’s for example and choose extra-large fries and a large Coke (starch and sugar).

    After 150 years of on-off popularity, low carb diets are finally getting the scientific support they need to be taken seriously.

    Recipes for ALSD2 Weight Loss Programme

    Your menus need not be boring when you're on ALSD2 diet programme. I wish to share my findings to make your meals tastier and delicious. Who says diet food is BORING ?


    I love my eggs with the runny yoke like that, it's so mmmmm....



    Do try the above recipes and enjoy your meals plus ALSD2!!!

    Monday, June 18, 2012

    Hari Raya 2012 Transformation Package

    Just for you, we've just launched the Hari Raya 2012 Transformation Package.

    1.Package A-For 4 weeks-Lose 6-15kg

    4 tins of Alpha Lipid Slim Diet 2
    1 set Ketostix
    1 shaker
    Lifetime membership - business opportunity

    Promotional price: RM730

    2.Package B-For 4 weeks-Lose 3-10 kg

    4 tins of SD2
    1 set Ketostix
    1 shaker
    Lifetime membership - business opportunity
    Promotional price: RM565

    Sunday, June 17, 2012

    Introducing Fibremax for Weight Loss

    Natural Fibre Food Powder
    By adding fibre to your diet, you support:
    •Normal, regular and healthy bowel function - stools are bulkier and softer
    •Healthy bacterial flora in the intestines
    •Healthy cholesterol levels
    •Healthy blood sugar
    •Weight management. Fibre makes you feel fuller, to support a normal appetite and discourage overeating
    .To be included with Alpha Lipid SD2 for an effective weight loss programme

    What is so special about FibreMax?
    New Image FibreMax formula is a combination of five prebiotics. These are not digested by upper intestinal enzymes, but pass into the colon where they support normal growth of beneficial bacteria that are involved in the digestive process.

    The prebiotics contain both soluble and insoluble fibre:
    •Soluble fibre supports normal enzyme and digestive processes
    •Insoluble fibre provides bulk to the colon contents for a bulkier, softer stool

    5 Prebiotics

    Chicory Root Extract comes from the chicory plant's food reserve found in the roots of mature plants. It is mostly the soluble fibre inulin.

    Soy Fibre comes from the cell walls of the soy bean after removal of the oil and protein. It is mostly insoluble fibre. The soy beans used in New Image Fibre MaxTM are non-genetically modified.

    Psyllium is the husk of the dried, ripe seeds of the Indian plantago plant. The husk is finely ground so that it absorbs water rapidly to form a stiff mucilage. Psyllium provides both soluble and insoluble fibre and gives bulk to the colon contents.

    Pectin is a naturally occurring fibre found in apples and citrus fruits. As a soluble fibre it assists in digestive processes in the colon.

    Oat Fibre is produced by an exclusive process from oat bran, creating a fine and easily blended fibre which is a source of both soluble and insoluble fibre.

    FAQ on Alpha Lipid Slim Diet 2

    Will everyone lose weight with the Slim Diet II?
    Yes! Everyone should lose weight with the Slim Diet II. The only difference is how much and how fast. No one, over a period of time, can maintain their weight on the rapids weight loss plan of just 800 calories a day. There has to be a continued fat loss when utilising the diet an as the source of nutrition. Nature makes men burn more calories than women; therefore men lose weight faster.

    Why are pregnant women advised not to use the formula?
    Mothers-to-be should plan their diet carefully and always seek their gynae's advice. K-29 can however, make an extremely valuable contribution to a woman's nutritional needs.

    Would headaches be one of the problems?
    Yes. The main reasons could be caffeine withdrawal to which your body has become addicted, or not taking enough fluid. Drink plenty of water to avoid headaches.

    This diets sounds too good to be true. There must be some negative side effects.
    Yes, of course. As with any plan your body is undergoing a dramatic change in routine and may react in different ways. Problems occur for minority of people, are usually mild and last just a day or two. The long-term benefits make them more than worthwhile.

    Why do you recommend drinking so much water every day?
    Water is good for you! Our bodies consist of over 60% water. We need to constantly replace our body fluids. We need sufficient liquid intake to keep our kidneys functioning properly, to help prevent fluid retention.

    Soon after starting the SDII plan I developed a bad cold. Why was this?
    You caught a cold virus! You've had colds in the past and will probably catch a cold in the future. It was just an unfortunate coincidence.

    Am I likely to develop infections because of the stress of dieting- and consuming so few calories?
    There is no evidence at all to suggest this possibility. In actual fact, most people report improved well-being and fewer incidences of minor infections which prompt visits to the doctor's surgery.

    Some people may react to the high concentratation of nutrients in the formula. This is a very temporary condition. Drinking extra water when mixing the supplement can help it.

    Will the SDII benefit my arthritis?
    The diet plan will not cure any type of arthritis but symptoms in arthritis of the weight-bearing joints -will probably be alleviate by the loss of excess weight and the reduction of saturated fat in the diet. Patient frequently reports that they are able to decrease the amount of anti-inflammatory drugs with their doctor's permission. Some claim totally freedom from any symptoms.

    What about dizziness?
    Lack of sodium and fluid is most often caused by the diuretic effect that accompanies any low calorie diet. A reduction in the amount of fluid circulating in the body may result in dizziness, especially when standing up quickly. Solution: Make sure you are using Lite Salt which 50% sodium and 50% potassium. Drink the water as listed in the Diet.

    I am worried that by losing a lot of weight quickly, I will look gaunt and haggard. Are you sure this won't happen?
    On the contrary, slimmers who lose weight with SDII not only are healthy, they look healthy. This is because of the excellent nutritional content and the amount of protein in the Diet programme conserves body protein. The drawn look usually occurs when people have been starving themselves or have lost weight through illness. With the SDII, you're not depriving yourself of anything - except calories.

    Are menstrual irregularities a side effect of the diet?
    Occasionally some people do notice menstrual irregularities. This is due to the change in body weight. As their body weight stablises the cycle returns to normal. Some overweight women fail to menstruate, but when they lose weight their periods return.

    I find that I don't need so much sleep when I'm on the diet. Is this unusual?
    Quite often slimmers report that they are up and 'running' much earlier in the mornings. Overeating has a definite sedative effect. So dieting itself, balanced nutrition and increased vitality often combine to cut the hours of sleep you require. Spend the extra time wisely.

    Is the SDII suitable for vegetarians?
    Yes, you merely take two extra servings. It is also suitable for nearly all-religious groups. The Chicken and Beef Soups are the only flavours containing meat extract.

    I have tendency towards gouts. What do you advise?
    People with gout usually have a higher level of uric acid in their blood. The problem with many diets is that they exacerbate the uric acid level. This would certainly occur during the first few days on the diet and the medication might be required. Those people who remain on the diet later show a lowered, even normal uric acid level and are generally less prone to gout attacks. Therefore a doctor's supervision is vital.

    I have had a heart attack and I know I need to lose a lot of weight. Isn't your diet too stressful for me?
    Many heart patients have had a positive experience with the diet. I have to emphasise that this is a matter for the judgement of the individual physician -and constant monitoring would be necessary. No one -with a serious medical condition should embark on any diet programme without total approval of his or her doctor. In particular, it's important to mention stroke victims and patients with serious kidney and liver ailments, all of who must consult their doctor.

    I find that I have bad breath, why?
    A small amount of people complains of halitosis or bad breath. In some cases this may be due to production of ketones and in others it is caused by a reduction in saliva or the reflux of gas from the stomach. Drink plenty of fluids to speed up stomach emptying and also help with a mouthwash.

    I am taking a birth control pill. Will the diet cause any problems?
    No difficulties have come to light in clinical studies or public experience.

    I have diabetes. Is the diet OK for me?
    Patients with diabetes must be under the direct supervision of their physician. A growing number of medical experts, familiar with the Diet, feel that this is the best method for the treatment of obese maturity onset diabetes. There are many case histories in which all-clinical evidence of diabetes disappears as the patient approaches their ideal weight.

    Is the diet suitable for the elderly?
    For the obese elderly with a medical problem such as maturity onset diabetes, arthritis or high blood pressure the diet plan, used under medical supervision, is usually extremely beneficial.

    Doesn't this kind of diet cause diarrhoea?
    A small number of people might experience this reaction as a result of the mineral content of the formula. Diluting the diet drink with water will reduce the problem. If diarrhoea persists for more than two or three days the diet should be temporarily discontinued and your doctor consulted. Fiber will help normalise bowel function.

    I suffer from high blood pressure. Is the SDII ok for me?
    A patient's blood pressure is usually lowered once they are successfully losing weight with the plan. Therefore, it is extremely likely that everyone taking antihypertensive-medication will need to decrease the dosage. It is important that a physician monitor the situation. The patients should never 'prescribe' for themselves.

    How soon can a new mother, who is not breast-feeding, start seriously dieting?
    This is a decision for the doctor, although normally a waiting period of two weeks after birth would be sufficient. Mothers who have experienced extreme blood loss or undergone a Caesarean section should wait a little longer.

    I usually depressed when I am dieting. What do you suggest?
    Most people on the diet feel exactly the opposite. They tend to become cheerful and positive as they experience successful weight loss. However, someone who is being treated for severe depression may find that their physician feels that the stress of a diet plan is too much for them or will want to constantly monitor the situation. Once again, ask your doctor.

    Why do I sometimes experience leg cramps when I am on the diet?
    It is possible that this may occur from losing too much salt from the body. The SDII is relatively low in salt and that may be a contributory factor. It is very important to take the Lite Salt as the rules indicate.

    I've heard of people losing hair on this kind of diet. Can this be true?
    On rare occasions people have reported combining out few more hairs than normal. This is no cause for alarm. After a short period of time the hair grows normally again. Many more people actually notice the opposite effect -hair growing back. Most people report their nails and hair grow faster than before.

    Why do you lose water when you diet?
    When you diet you obviously reduce your intake of calories. This means that initially the body is using up part of its store of glycogen. Each gram of glycogen in the body binds with four grams of water, so when the glycogen is burnt up as energy, it releases four grams of water.

    Can I become anaemic on this diet plan?
    There is not evidence what so ever that anaemia could be a side effect.

    Why do ex-smokers gain weight?
    Smoking increases your metabolic rate. When they give up smoking the average person will find that their metabolic rate declines by as such as 250 calories a day. That's a lot. If they can eat the same as before they will be taking in 3000 calories more than they need every 2 weeks. That will put on half a kilo a fortnight.
    Unless an adjustment is made the kilos will go piling on until they have gained perhaps 12.7 kg in the course of a year! Also the non-smoker usually turns to chocolate and sweets for consolation -which only compounds the problem. Now smoking is a much bigger health hazard than obesity, so I very definitely urge you to give up smoking. But, I also urge you to take necessary adjustment in your eating habits at the same time.

    When I reach my ideal weight I intend to celebrate by going out for a big feast. Is this ok?
    Celebrate with caution. This could be too stressful for your digestive system.

    Are the nutrients in the SDII synthetic or natural?
    The principal nutrients are obviously natural, coming from soya beans. Some of the added vitamins, minerals and trace elements are 'nature identical', as are many that you find in health food stores. This means that although they are manufactured they are identical to the chemical composition of the natural element. They are molecularly the same and perform equally well.

    Is there any way to get rid of fat faster from specific areas?
    There is no way of controlling 'target' areas. From time to time various 'gimmicks' and 'devices' are promoted but have no strong clinical substantiation for their claims.

    Is there any chance that the diet programme will affect my skin?
    Yes... in a very positive manner. SDII dieters frequently comment on an improvement in their skin complexion and skin tone generally. The reason is quite simple: proper nutrition and increased water intake.

    I know that potassium is important for my heart. Is there really enough in the formula?
    For the normal person who is not taking diuretics (water pills) or any other medication, there is sufficient potassium when 'Litesalt' used both in tomato salad and tomato juice. It is imperative that anyone taking medication, particularly for high blood pressure consults their doctor so that he can monitor the potassium levels and supplement them if necessary.

    What is ketosis and am I likely to get it?
    The incomplete breakdown of fat can leave a residue known as ketone bodies. The SDII is formulated to give a very specific balance of carbohydrate as well as protein. There is a moderate rise in ketone levels in people using the diet, which is one reason why the slimmer doesn't feel hungry but does feel well.

    So...You Want To Lose Weight?

    I hear this kind of crap almost every time. So accurate.

    Losing weight and keeping it off

    How many people do you know who have lost weight on a weight loss diet or program at one time or another? Probably quite a few, now ask yourself how many of those people have managed to keep it off? I bet it’s considerably less – perhaps nobody.

    It might seem hard to believe but it would certainly seem that losing weight permanently is far more difficult to achieve than short-term weight loss. Studies have shown that many dieters are able to lose weight initially, but before long they slip back to old habits and the weight returns to haunt them. Sometimes, they even end up weighing more than when they started!

    Why is this? Well, it could be for any number of reasons; inadequate motivation, hunger, bad days, stress. The ultimate challenge is to sustain healthy lifestyle habits without the compliments from friends, family and colleagues, or seeing the numbers on the scale descending.

    In order to maintain your weight loss, it’s time to accept that eating healthy and being physically active IS your new lifestyle. Focus on the rewards: lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, sleeping better, getting off medication, feeling energized and confident. Don’t think of your weight loss efforts as dieting as this implies there’s a beginning and an end.

    Instead think of it as shifting to a new gear in which you are adopting small and realistic lifestyle changes. You need to continue the behavior that lost you the weight in the first place, and that behavior needs to be sustainable or else weight-regain is inevitable.

    The 7 keys to long-term weight loss

    Let’s take a look at how the people who have managed to successfully lose weight and keep it off – these dieters have beaten the odds and remained at their desired weight. Remember, the following information doesn’t necessarily show you how to lose weight fast, but more importantly, how to sustain your weight loss until you’re at your target weight and remain there indefinitely.

    Back in the late ‘90s, researchers James Hill and Rena Wing set-up the National Weight Control Registry and tracked the habits of over 6,000 people who had lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for more than one year. Their studies showed that these successful dieters lost, on average, 70 pounds and stayed at their desired weight for six years.

    They also discovered that they shared seven important habits:

    1. Weight losers follow a calorie-controlled diet that is relatively low in fat

    Portions should be small and foods such as soup and vegetables are a good idea. Another is to limit the variety of food you eat thus simplifying your diet. Choose calories wisely – don’t waste them on calorie dense food with little nutritional value!

    2. Successful dieters have everything planned out

    They follow a consistent eating pattern each day that establishes a routine – this set eating plan is the cornerstone of weight loss success. Even your indulgences can be planned out in advance, this way you have something to look forward to and keep you motivated whilst also eliminating many of the cravings associated with being unable to eat junk food.

    3. Weight loss maintainers eat frequently, up to five or six times per day and every three to four hours

    Nothing kills your diet faster than hunger, and eating regular meals helps control blood sugar while also managing your appetite. Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day as thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger and those extra fluids will take the edge off your appetite and help your body burn those calories more efficiently.

    4. They never skip breakfast

    People who are struggling to lose weight seem to forget that breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. After all, you haven’t eaten for probably eight or more hours and your body needs fuel for the day ahead. Start eating a healthy breakfast each morning and you’ll notice a vast improvement in your performance. The first meal of the day doesn’t have to be fancy, fixing up a quick bowl of whole-grain, high-fiber cereal with a bit of fruit and some non-fat yogurt will do just fine.

    5. Weight loss maintainers do some sort of physical activity for 60 minutes each day

    The majority of people who lose weight fast and keep it off walk five to six miles per day. That may seem like a lot but many experts agree that you could get away with less than five miles so long as you take those walks at a high intensity. Add some hills, pick up the pace and boost your heart rate to boost that metabolism and fire the fat burning furnace.

    6. Successful dieters regularly take their measurements

    They tend to measure their progress often, at least once a week they’ll jump on the scales and see how they are getting on. You’ve got two to three pounds to play with. If the scale goes beyond that number you know you’ve got to tighten the belt by curbing calories and/or increasing activity levels.

    7. They limit time in front of the TV

    Reducing the time you spend in front of the tube can have surprising results in terms of weight loss. Typically, successful weight losers watch about 10 hours of television per week, which is approximately one third of the American average. This obviously saves time that can instead be spent on working out or preparing quality food, it also means you’re less likely to indulge in unhealthy snacks while watching the latest American Idol episode.

    So...there you go....going on a diet means that you are committed to it and willing to follow the Do's and Dont's dilligently and not to stick to your likes and dislikes.

    SD2 is here to make it much more easier for you. Call 012-2452810/016-2030547 and ask me how !!

    Saturday, June 16, 2012

    Getting Started on SD2 Diet Programme

    How To Consume SD2
    1.Shake your Slim Diet can before opening.
    2.You must mix two scoops of the formula in a shaker with 200-250ml water four times daily before each meal. (A plastic scoop is provided in each can).
    3.You can choose your menu from the menu guide which will be provided to you when you purchase the product. If you can follow the menu that is given to you in the menu book will be good because these foods have been carefully chosen to ensure maximum and efficient weight loss.
    4.You must have 2-4 protein foods spread over the day with vegetables (raw or cooked) from the food list if uyou wish to.
    5.You must have a minimum of 20 grams of carbohydrates from the food list, but you must not exceed 35 grams.
    6.You must have a total of two dessertspoons of COLD pressed oil and one dessertspoon of apple cider vinegar daily.

    Note: It is very important to have some oil in the diet to ensure your nutrient circle is complete in the form of Essential Fatty Acids and also to facilitate the absorption of the fat soluble vitamins in the formula.

    1.Season your food with Lite Seasoner (for extra potassium and sodium).
    2.Drink two litres of water a day.
    3.Exercise for 30 minutes daily.
    4.Check your Critical Carbohydrate Level with keto sticks
    5.Last but not least – DO NOT CHEAT YOURSELF!

    It is important to note that food containing white flour and sugar are not allowed in low carb diet. Most fruits are restricted, but some are allowed. The number of grams of carbohydrates allowed per day varies from person to person. Some might need 20 grams or less carbohydrates count per day to lose weight. Others may successfully lose weight on 50 or 60 grams per day.

    Below is the list of low carb food you can enjoy. Low carb diet is a high-fat diet. When you feel hungry eat enough fat to satisfy your hunger.

    ◦All meat are allowed (white or red) except liver
    ◦Do not include filler or breading when cooked
    ◦Read label for carb info for canned meat

    ◦Shellfish (Oysters have some carbs)

    ◦In any ways that you can prepare

    Cheese with some restrictions:
    ◦Up to 4 oz per day

    ◦Butter, mayonnaise, cream, margarine in fact all fat are allowed

    ◦Low-starch green vegetables
    ◦Restrict starchy vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, peas, corn etc.

    ◦Avoid high glycemic fruits such as watermelon, bananas, citrus fruits, pineapple etc.

    Six Steps for the Beginner
    1. Become Informed
    Like other ways of eating, low-carb eating can be healthy or not, balanced or not, and there is certainly no reason for it to be boring. Rest assured that science is on the side of cutting carbs – perhaps not for everyone, but for many of us.

    2. Start Making Easy Changes
    While you are learning about low-carb eating, you can start to make some changes towards reducing unhealthy carbs in your diet. Choose one or two things to change at a time. You may be surprised that some results can be achieved with less effort than you thought.

    3. Basically, you just stop eating food with sugars, white flour (pasta, bread, cake, donuts, etc), white rice, and potatoes (some include milk). This effectively cuts back on the carbohydrate in your diet, especially the high glycemic types. Just realize that there are also white foods, such as tofu, cauliflower, and onions, that are low in carbs and good for you!

    Another option is use my Low-Carb Food Pyramid as a guide.

    4. Get Familiar with What You Can Eat
    It’s easy to fall into thinking a lot about what you can’t eat, but much more productive to focus on what you can eat. At first, it's probably best to keep it simple - for example, you can just eat the same dinner as before, substituting vegetables for the starch.

    5. Plan Your First Week
    Nothing stops a new eating plan faster than getting to the fourth day and realizing you have no idea what to snack on, or fix for dinner. Planning a full week of menus and snacks gives you a buffer period when you don’t have to worry about it.

    6. Get Support
    Inevitably, things you didn’t think of will come up. The first two weeks of a diet change can be difficult. The temptation when trying something new is to chuck it overboard at the first obstacle. To be successful, you must accept that unexpected “speedbumps” will happen, and make a commitment ahead of time to work through them. This is the time to get advice from others who are ahead of you on the road.

    Stocking Up on Low-Carb Foods
    Out with the old, and in with the new! When you change your way of eating, it's best to have food in your home that supports you in your new endeavor. One of the worst situations is to find that you are hungry without anything appropriate to eat.
    What To Do With High-Carb Food
    If some folks you live with would make use of the high-carb food you want to take out of your life, try making separate shelves in the pantry for those people. Otherwise, the local food bank or other charity that takes food donations is a possibility, especially for packaged and canned foods.

    We'll go through the kitchen one area at a time. Click on each link for lists of what to keep, what to buy, and what to get rid of in each category

    1.Refrigerator and Freezer
    When changing to a low-carb way of eating, you will probably find yourself eating more fresh produce, meats, and other perishable foods. ("Shopping the perimeter" is a good strategy for low-carb eating, as the aisles of the supermarket contain most of the high-carb processed foods.) People following a low-carb way of eating often find that their refrigerators and freezers are fuller than they used to be, for this reason.

    2 Canned Goods (and Jars)
    I love knowing I could make some meals out of my pantry if need be. It's also nice for during power outages, and for when I don't feel like going to the store. There are some low carb canned goods to keep on hand, and some to get rid of.

    3.Packaged Foods
    Unfortunately, a lot of those packages of processed cereals, crackers, rice and candy will have to go. But you can still keep some packaged foods which are low in carbohydrates.

    Barbecue sauce? Usually loaded with sugar. Mustard? Usually not. Here are the dos and don'ts when it comes to condiments on a low-carb diet.

    5.Special Ingredients for Cooking and Baking
    I like to keep some special low-carb ingredients on hand. It makes life a lot easier, especially when trying to "de-carb" favorite foods, to have some low-carb substitutes around.

    Common Problems in the first week

    1.“Carb Crash”. This is my term for the fatigue and irritability that can happen in the early days of a very low carb diet – usually around days 3-5, while the body is adjusting to its new source of fuel. Happily, there is an easy cure. As Atkins says, “…although their bodies would almost certainly adjust during the second week, there isn’t any good reason for feeling washed out and sickly for even one day”.* The answer is to eat a few more carbs. Atkins recommends more vegetables and nuts, but in my opinion it’s safe (and faster) to get a bit more of a carb hit with something like half an apple or some berries. Just don’t sabotage yourself by going for a donut. The idea is to ease your body through the transition comfortably.

    2. You may not have been paying enough attention to the composition of the diet – making sure you were getting enough fiber and a good mix of recommended nutrients.

    3. You may have been on a one of the very low carb diets, when your particular body may be suited to a less drastic cut in carbs.

    4. The first 1-3 days can bring on a fierce desire for carbohydrate foods. It is important to understand that this will pass. The most important thing is not to go hungry. I find that eating foods with a lot of fiber and healthy fats is helpful.

    20 Benefits of Low Carb Diets

    Cutting Carbs Reaps Rewards

    There are a lot of potential benefits to reduced-carbohydrate diets. Some of them have been intensely studied, while others have been commonly reported among people who have reduced the carbohydrate in their diets. Not everyone will gain all these benefits, of course. People who are more sensitive to carbohydrates are probably more likely to receive more benefit.

    Scientifically Demonstrated
    Although I have linked to only one study for each of these claims, there are many studies, often going back decades, that show similar results. This is why I feel safe in saying these results have been demonstrated. However, note that in many of these studies, people were not screened for factors such as insulin resistance. If the group most likely to benefit is studied, rather than a random sample, the results could be stronger.
    • Weight loss (even when not consciously restricting calories)
    •Improved triglycerides
    • Reduced blood glucose for diabetics and pre-diabetics
    • Increased HDL (“good”) cholesterol
    • Improved insulin sensitivity
    • Decreased blood pressure
    •Lower blood insulin level
    •Compared to high carb weight loss diets (and when combined with exercise), less muscle mass lost
    • Ketogenic diets (one type of low carb diet) used to treat seizure disorders

    Commonly Reported
    These are some of the most commonly reported benefits in low carb forums, support groups, and informal surveys. (Some have preliminary scientific evidence, but more subjective improvements are harder to study.) The first two are by far the most commonly reported, and these benefits usually happen by the end of the first week, although sometimes it takes another week or two. Results are obviously going to be variable between individuals.
    •Increased energy
    •Cravings for sweets gone or much less
    •Better mental concentration; no “brain fog”
    •Improved mood; emotions more even
    •”Compulsive” or “emotional” eating gone
    •Improved dental hygiene (less dental plaque; improved gum health)

    Sometimes Reported
    These are more variable, partly dependent upon the symptoms the person was having in the first place. Again, a low carb diet can in no way be considered a cure for these conditions, and this is not a scientific survey. Also, rest assured I am not listing every benefit I have ever heard of - these have been mentioned enough to make me think that there is validity to them for some people.
    • Improvement in joint or muscle pain
    • Fewer headaches
    • PMS improved
    • Gastrointestinal symptoms, such as heartburn, improved
    • Improvement in skin appearance

    Friday, June 15, 2012

    Rapid And Safe Weight Loss Made Easy !!

    The Slim Diet II programme is based on a concept designed by two doctors from the Harvard Medical School, Dr Carhill and Dr Blackburn.

    Throughout the world obesity has become an international health crisis of immense proportions. University studies conducted in the USA have predicted that poor diet and sedentary living may soon make obesity, rather than smoking, the world’s leading cause of preventable death.

    1.Average dress size in the 1950’s was an 8
    2.Average dress size in 2004 is a 14
    3.Current portion sizes of fries and salads are 2-5 times larger than they were 30 years ago
    4.The rate of obesity in the western world has reached 1 in 3
    5.The amount of food consumed per person, per year has increased by 126.3 kgs in the past 30 years
    6.Growth by percentage of the number of people who are overweight since 1971 has doubled
    7.Growth by percentage of the number of teenagers who are overweight since 1980 has tripled
    8.The calorie intake of western women since 1971 has increased by 335 per day
    9.Percentage of western woman dieting at any one time is 45%
    10.The failure rate of weight loss attempts after five years is 80 percent
    11.400,000 deaths per year in the USA alone are associated with being overweight

    With the advent of computerisation, many people are now spending at least 6 – 8 hours a day sitting in front of their computer workstation. Further they spend an average of 1 hour a day traveling by car, to and from their workplace. Technology has created many time and labour saving devices such as cars, elevators, computers, dishwashers and televisions.

    According to the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, in the year 2000, more than 26% of adults reported no leisure time physical activity. Pre-packaged foods, fast food and soft drinks are far more accessible today. Such foods are fast and convenient, they also tend to be high in carbohydrate, fat, sugar and calories.


    1. Calorie Counting
    2. Strenous exercise
    3. Meal replacements
    4. Diet pills and appetite surpressants



    Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF)

    What is Protein Sparing?

    When you increase your protein intake the body tissue Proteins are spared or maintained and even increased while burning fat.

    When protein intake is maintained, the body does not recognize that it is in fasting mode and

    The Benefits:
    There is no loss of energy when calorie is burnt
    There is less problem with weight gain after completion
    The skin can firm and tone in with the body as the fat diminishes

    Protein Sparing is the reason you can enjoy rapid and safe fat loss

    Why does the Protein Sparing Modified Fast Program Work
    When carbohydrates are reduced to the critical carbohydrate level, the insulin lowers and fat is released for energy, producing ketones.

    Slim Diet II is made with non-Genetically Modified soy protein isolate and soy fibre and is fortified with vitamins and minerals.

    The essential amino acid pattern of soy protein isolate meets or exceeds the dietary requirements listed in “Protein Quality Evaluation Report of Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation, #51″.

    Soy protein isolate has a “Protein digestibility Correncted Amino Acid Score”, (PDCAAS) of 1.0, the highest possible rating.

    Tuesday, June 12, 2012

    The Facts on Fad Diets

    Weight loss veterans know that losing weight and keeping it off requires a long-term commitment, yet even savvy dieters can occasionally be tempted by the quick weight loss promised by fad diets. As each new “lose weight fast” gimmick comes along, some people forget about the negatives associated with most fad diets — from a lack of nutritional value to food restrictions that are hard to live with — while others might not know if the weight-loss plan they’re considering is a fad or a program that could be helpful over the long haul. Here’s how to tell a flash-in-the-pan plan from an effective one.

    Here are some of the red flags that indicate a weight-loss plan is an ineffective fad diet:

    The diet promises that you will lose weight fast or at an unrealistic pace. The claims sound too good to be true. The diet's recommendations are based on a single study – or no research at all.
    The diet's recommendations seem extreme.
    Statements made about the diet are refuted by reputable scientific organizations.
    It refers to foods as “good” or “bad.”
    Personal testimonials are used to “sell” the diet.
    The fad diet involves crash dieting, or very intense reductions in eating and drinking.

    Feeding The Popularity Fad Diets

    Why do fad diets become the rage? A number of factors typically fuel their popularity, including:
    Celebrity endorsements. Who doesn’t want to be as popular and slender as the latest starlet?
    The promise of quick weight loss. In this age of instant everything, there’s a natural temptation to fall for a weight-loss plan that promises quick weight loss in only weeks rather than months.
    The “elimination” mentality. The idea that cutting out certain foods will result in quick weight loss plays into popular beliefs about dieting. “Many of these diets promote elimination of one or multiple food groups for a set number of days or in very specific combinations with some sort of gimmick,” says Penta, adding that many people equate misery and deprivation with dieting and so are more willing to accept this type of weight-loss plan, at least for a brief while.

    When you're on Alpha Lipid SD2 diet programme, you are actually practicing a low carb and protein diet.SD2 diets may also change a person's metabolism. When carbohydrates are restricted, the body begins burning its own fat for fuel -- a state called ketosis. This can be measured by ueing the Ketone Test Set.

    The most nutritious SD2 diet plans are low in fat and in carbohydrates, rather than high in fat and low in carbohydrates.
    Fish is a no-brainer -- it's loaded with protein and almost always low in fat. Even the types that have more fat, such as salmon, are a good choice. That's because the fat in fish is generally the heart-healthy kind known as omega-3 fatty acid -- and most diets don't contain enough of this good-for-you fat.

    Eggs are perhaps the most classic and certainly least expensive form of protein. The American Heart Association says an egg a day is safe for healthy adults, so you may want to get cracking with eggs when you're on a high-protein diet. If you're concerned about the fat and cholesterol, egg whites are a good substitute and a heart-healthy source of protein.

    If you want to give your SD2 diet a tasty boost, don’t overlook dairy products as a protein source. Milk, cheese, and yogurt are not only protein-rich, they also provide calcium for strong bones and a healthy heart. Look for low-fat, nonfat, or reduced fat dairy products as part of a reduced calorie diet plan.

    The formula for permanent weight loss is a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating nutritious, low-calorie foods and participating in regular physical activity.

    Monday, June 11, 2012

    You need to lose weight ??

    Tried every way to lose weight but never succeeded?

    Don't worry! You are at the right place!
    Losing weight & shaping up has never been this easy!
    Not only you will lose weight but will improve your health & your skin too!
    For men & women. Guaranteed results!

    Congratulations for making a smart decision to want to improve your health and manage your current weight. Good health is indeed priceless.

    If you are ready to be healthy and want to manage your weight today, submit the Contact Form below, we will have our friendly and experienced wellness coach to contact you for a FREE Consultation. We will help you understand more about your body and how to achieve your ultimate weight management/ health goal today. Rest assured that there are no obligations for you to start on any program until you are ready.

    Happy to speak to you soon!

    Sunday, June 10, 2012

    Lose Weight, Feel Great !!!

    No lean muscle tone is lost, just UNWANTED FAT!

    AL SD11 Enhanced with Alpha Lipid and Green Tea fat-burning extract is a scientific formula and the weight loss program include 3 good meals a day.

    1.There is no loss of energy when calorie is burnt
    2.There is less problem with weight gain after completion
    3.The skin can firm and tone in with the body as the fat diminishes

    It's Safe N Easy

    You can see many more real testimonials of SD2....real people with obese issues, lost weight and getting back their life. What are you waiting for?

    Saturday, June 9, 2012

    Lose Weight Without Hunger Pangs?

    * SAFE

    Designed with ingredients to support blood sugar balance, satiety in between regular meals and healthy muscle mass, SDII helps to maintain healthy weight as part of a weight management programme that includes dietary changes and exercise.

    A comprehensive blend of high quality isolated non-GMO soy protein (75%), fibre, Green Tea leaf extract, vitamins and minerals. The SDII Meal Supplement contains no artificial sweeteners or flavours and helps to ensure that your body has all the essential nutrients including protein so that fat remains the primary fuel and you maintain muscle mass and tone. Each serve provides 10 grams of useable protein which counts towards your daily requirement.

    Dosage: 15 g (2 scoops) 4 times daily at breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Mix with 250ml of water - shake well to combine. The FibreMax powder can be blended with the Slim Diet II 2 shakes.

    Slim Diet’s Unique Benefits
    1. It is completely natural, safe, rapid and cost effective.
    2. There are no ravenous hunger pains and a satisfying volume of food is consumed daily.
    3. You can measure, by means of a simple test, whether you are burning fat or not.
    4. You lose only fat, not lean body tissue (as in low calorie diets), thereby maintaining good muscle and skin tone.
    5. Detoxification and cleansing of your body’s system is automatic.
    6. The plan offers great encouragement, as weight loss is more rapid than any other programme based on calorie or exercise principles.
    7. Identification of your body’s metabolic rate (critical carbohydrate level).
    8. A very effective support system.
    9. Establishes the basis and knowledge to maintain weight control forever.
    10. More energy with no dieting blues or side effects.

    The changes in metabolic processes and the breakdown of stored fats while on the Slim Diet II Weight Management Programme increase our need for water.

    It is essential that a minimum of 2.0 litres of water be consumed daily while on the Slim Diet II Weight Management Programme, more if you exercise or live in a hot climate.

    Unsweetened herbal teas including green tea can count as part of your total water intake.

    Have you ever stopped to question why when we have so many diet foods available, we are in fact getting fatter, not thinner? Obviously there's a bit more to weight management than just counting calories.

    The food we eat triggers various responses in our body. Food that is high in refined carbohydrates or sugar are broken down into a simple sugar called glucose and absorbed into the blood very quickly. The body responds to this surge in blood glucose by releasing enough insulin to get the glucose out of the blood and into cells for energy, or storage for use later on. Guess what form it's often stored as? That's right, fat!

    To help with your weight management goals you need to learn which foods should be dumped from the diet, and which ones should be included.

    The Slim Diet II Weight Management Programme doesn't count calories, instead it will teach you to identify and include high quality foods in your everyday life that will form the foundation of your ongoing health, wellness & weight management.

    Low Carb Meals are allowed when you're on Slim Diet II Weight Loss Programme.

    Those who wish to obtain more info on Slim Diet II and Lemon Myrtle Green Tea, please call 012-2452810 or 016-2030547.

    The basics of weight loss

    At it's most basic, losing weight is about burning more calories than you eat. That seems simple enough, but if were really that simple, none of us would have a weight problem.

    To lose one pound of fat, you must burn approximately 3500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities. That sounds like a lot of calories and you certainly wouldn't want to try to burn 3500 calories in one day.

    Your BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate)is the amount of calories your body needs to maintain basic bodily functions like breathing and digestion. This is the minimum number of calories you need to eat each day.


    Mary's BMR is 1400 calories and she burns 900 calories with regular exercise, walking around and doing household chores. To maintain her weight, she should be eating 2300 calories (1400 + 900= 2300). However, after keeping a food journal, Mary finds that she's eating 2550 calories every day. By eating 250 more calories than her body needs, Mary will gain about a pound every 2-3 weeks.

    This example shows how easy it is to gain weight without even knowing it. However, it's also easy to lose weight, even if the process itself can be slow.

    Slim Diet II is based on assisting your body in its natural process to burn fat instead of glucose or muscle tissue. Burning fat creates ketones in the body which are used as energy and can be measured (called Ketosis).

    Slim Diet II combines tasty protein supplement shakes, with a simple food management plan to reduce carbohydrate intake, attainable exercise regimes and useful tools and education. The complete package!


    Slim Diet II has an extensive number of testimonials. Real people with real obesity issues. It has been proven that it works for both men and women.

    Money back guarantee if you do not lose weight after 3 months, provided that a ketosis test is performed to ensure that you have taken it correctly.

    How to take Slim Diet II?
    Just put 2 scoops into 250 ml of water, 4 times daily...breakfast, lunch, dinner and before going to sleep. Shake it before drinking.

    RM180 for West Malaysia
    RM190 for East Malaysia
    Delivery charges is not included.