Today, I have been searching on the internet for a new diet programme and I found this....the OCD Diet!!
Right now in Indonesia, there is a diet trend called OCD. The way of eating in this diet is really different from the one we used to know. There is no breakfast and we can eat any food we want, EVEN JUNK FOOD. We can eat anything in an amount of calories we need in 4, 6, or 8 hours; then no food after except water (for example if we choose the 6 hours diet: we start eating at 12 pm, and we can eat in 6 hours until 6 pm. we should not have any breakfast at all because the first 3 hours after wake up in the morning, we must not eat anything with calories except water. if we choose 8 hours, then 12pm till 8pm is the time for eating).
The video below explains in detail the mechanics of the OCD diet by the founder Deddy Corbuzier, unfortunately it's in Indonesian.
My say:
The other key thing that I want to point out is that skipping breakfast can lead to overeating later in the day and it also deprives you of good nutrients like fiber and anti-oxidants (fruit and whole grains people!). This may have worked for some of you who are used to eating larger meals throughout the day so to have only a few hours to consume food with a definitive start and stop time, you may start to eat less.
Anyway, I have also found a 5 day diet plan which have worked for a few people.