Sunday, December 8, 2013

Have you heard of the OCD diet?

Okay, I have lost 18 kgs for a period of 6 months and thereafter, I put on back the 18 kg in a period of 3 years. I am not proud of it, but being handicapped with an injured knee....I can't do any exercise...only on the stationery bike but only for 20 minutes, the maximum.

Today, I have been searching on the internet for a new diet programme and I found this....the OCD Diet!!

Right now in Indonesia, there is a diet trend called OCD. The way of eating in this diet is really different from the one we used to know. There is no breakfast and we can eat any food we want, EVEN JUNK FOOD. We can eat anything in an amount of calories we need in 4, 6, or 8 hours; then no food after except water (for example if we choose the 6 hours diet: we start eating at 12 pm, and we can eat in 6 hours until 6 pm. we should not have any breakfast at all because the first 3 hours after wake up in the morning, we must not eat anything with calories except water. if we choose 8 hours, then 12pm till 8pm is the time for eating).

The video below explains in detail the mechanics of the OCD diet by the founder Deddy Corbuzier, unfortunately it's in Indonesian.

My say:
The other key thing that I want to point out is that skipping breakfast can lead to overeating later in the day and it also deprives you of good nutrients like fiber and anti-oxidants (fruit and whole grains people!). This may have worked for some of you who are used to eating larger meals throughout the day so to have only a few hours to consume food with a definitive start and stop time, you may start to eat less.

Anyway, I have also found a 5 day diet plan which have worked for a few people.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 New Year Resolutions

The start of a new year is the perfect time to turn a new page, which is probably why so many people create New Year's Resolutions.

 A new year often feels like a fresh start, a great opportunity to eliminate bad habits and establish new routines that will help you grow psychologically, emotionally, socially, physically or intellectually. Of course, resolutions are much easier to make than to keep and by the end of January many of us have abandoned our resolve and settled back into our old patterns.

While you might have a long list of potential New Year's Resolutions, Richard Wiseman, a professor of psychology at Hertfordshire University, suggests that you should pick just one and focus your energies on it rather than spreading yourself too thin among a number of different objectives.

During the first days of a New Year's Resolution, you will probably feel confident and highly motivated to reach your goal. Because you haven't really faced any discomfort or temptation associated with changing your behavior, making this change might seem all too easy.
After dealing with the reality of dragging yourself to the gym at 6 A.M. or gritting your teeth through headaches brought on by nicotine withdrawal, your motivation to keep your New Year's Resolution will probably start to dwindle. When you face such moments, remind yourself of exactly why you are doing this. What do you have to gain by achieving your goal? Find sources of inspiration that will keep you going when times get tough.
While you can't wave a magic wand and make your resolution come true, there are some easy steps to take that will make it easier to fulfill your promise to yourself.
  • Choose an attainable goal. Resolving to look like a male-model is not realistic for most of us, but promising to include daily physical activity in our lives is very possible.

  • Avoid choosing a resolution that you've been unsuccessful at achieving year after year. This will only set you up for failure, frustration and disappointment. If you are still tempted to make a promise that you've made before, then try altering it. For example, instead of stating that you are going to lose 30 pounds, try promising to eat healthier and increase your weekly exercise.Make contingency plans: don't assume sticking to your plan will be smooth sailing. Plan on hitting bumps along the resolution road and be prepared with specific ways to overcome them. What will keep you from skipping your workout or stop you from having a cigarette? This may mean seeking help from family or a professional, writing in a journal, etc

  • Give it time: most experts agree that it takes about 21 days to create a habit and six months for it to actually become a part of your daily life.

  • Reward yourself with each milestone. If you've stuck with your resolution for 2 months, treat yourself to something special. But, be careful of your reward type. If you've lost 5 pounds, don't give yourself a piece of cake as a reward. Instead, treat yourself to something non-food related, like a professional massage.

  • Ask friends and family members to help you so you have someone to be accountable to. Just be sure to set limits so that this doesn't backfire and become more irritating than helpful. For example, if you resolve to be more positive ask them to gently remind you when you start talking negatively.

  • Saturday, December 8, 2012

    Slim your way to Christmas !!!

    Whether you have a little weight to lose or a lot, or a lot it's best not to reduce your calorie intake to less than 1200 calories a day. This level of intake will help you shed around a couple of pounds a week (a bit more at first) so you should be around half a stone trimmer by Christmas. Importantly it won't hamper your weight loss effort by sending your body into starvation mode.

    The food choices you then make to obtain these 1,200 calories is the crucial factor in how hungry or otherwise you will feel. To beat hunger pangs completely, try these fail-safe tips:

    1.Make two thirds of your diet plant-based. Pasta, rice, beans, bread and fruits and vegetables give maximum fill for minimal calories, and making them the main rather than secondary part of your meal means you'll always have plenty to eat.

    2.Choose high fibre options wherever possible. Fibre doesn't contain any calories, so it fills without being fattening. It also slows down stomach emptying so that you feel full for longer. And because you have to chew high fibre foods so well it forces you to eat them more slowly.

    3. Eat high water foods. Water is the ultimate low calorie, high volume food, so liquid meals such as soups and stews can be particularly satisfying, and kinder to your waistline. Another trick is to drink a glass of water before a meal to trick the stomach's stretch receptors into sending 'I'm full' messages to the brain.

    4.Don't skimp on low fat sources of protein, such as fish, grilled chicken and lean meat. Lean protein has an effective blunting effect on your appetite, and can make you feel full for longer.

    5.Cut the fat. Apart from the obvious reason - that it has more than twice the calories than the same weight of protein or starch - fat is also the least filling food component of all.

    If you follow these rules, you'll be able to eat really well (for example cereal and fruit for breakfast, soup, bread and yoghurt for lunch and a large veggie curry and rice followed by fruit fool for evening meal) and still not go over 1200 calories.


    Wednesday, June 27, 2012

    Does Drinking Water Speed Up Your Metabolism?

    If you've ever tried to lose weight, you've probably wished you could speed up your metabolism and burn calories more easily. Weight-loss programs often promise to provide "metabolism-boosting" secrets, but the savvy dieter should know that many of these are just gimmicks.
    Many theories about metabolism are falsely rooted in the idea that there are particular foods or beverages that will magically increase your ability to burn calories. While most nutritionists agree that eating meals based on whole grains and lean proteins is a healthy diet practice, this approach won't actually help you burn calories faster. Neither will "fat-burning" foods like grapefruit or cabbage.
    "Unfortunately, there isn't a food that we can eat that is going to burn away those excess pounds," says Jenna Anding, PhD, RD, of the department of nutrition and food science at Texas A&M in College Station, Texas.
    Here's the truth about other popular metabolism-boosting theories, including the one that actually works.
    5 Metabolism Boosters: Separating Fact From Fiction
    1. Don't eat close to bedtime. You may have been told not to eat too close to bedtime because of the theory that your metabolism slows down at night and you'll lose less weight than you would if you ate the same food earlier in the day. Not true, says Donna L. Weihofen, MS, RD, health nutritionist at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics in Madison, Wisc. "Calories count whether you eat them in the morning or at night. The problem with nighttime eaters is that they are usually eating far more calories than they think, and the calories are denser."
    2. Drinking water speeds metabolism. Drinking plenty of water is healthful for a number of reasons, but it doesn't make your body burn calories faster. It can help you feel full, which may keep some cravings at bay. "But that effect doesn't last very long," Weihofen cautions. "One of the things that does help is soup before a meal. A broth-type soup does help cut down on the amount of calories you will eat." Of course, broth won't speed metabolism, either, but it will help you stick to your diet plan.
    3. Eat at the same time or at certain times every day to burn calories. Some diets recommend eating every couple of hours, while others advise sticking to a consistent schedule or number of meals for weight-loss success. Following a set schedule may help you stick to a diet plan, but doesn't help you burn more calories. "There's no magic to that," explains Weihofen. "It's whatever fits your lifestyle and your diet."
    4. Eating breakfast boosts metabolism. Eating breakfast on a regular basis is important for shedding pounds, but not solely because it improves your metabolism, says Emily Banes, RD, clinical dietitian at Houston Northwest Medical Center. "People who eat only one meal a day will shut down their metabolism. So breakfast is partly a metabolism-booster and it is partly to make sure you stay on track for the rest of the day," notes Banes. People who eat breakfast are less likely to binge later in the day, which of course promotes weight loss.
    5. Build muscle. The reality is that there is only one way to enhance metabolism: Build more lean muscle mass. "The best way to increase metabolism is by incorporating physical activity, both cardio and weight training, to increase lean muscle mass, which is what burns the calories!" advises Dr. Anding.
    Even at rest, muscle tissue burns more calories than fat, Anding says. So weight-loss programs that encourage strength training and other forms of exercise to improve your metabolism are your best bet.

    Tuesday, June 26, 2012

    How To Maintain Your Weight ?

    Many of my customers who have managed to obtain their ideal weight after consuming Alpha Lipid Slim Diet 2 asked me how to best maintain their body weight. So, here we go...

    You already know that to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. You've tried dieting, keeping a food diary, creating an exercise regimen, and perhaps even hypnosis before consuming Slim Diet 2. It's now obvious that the problem is with your willpower.

    Old habits die hard. If you're having a hard time maintaining your efforts over time, here are some radical ways to break away from the routine.

    1.Don't neglect the tried and true. Ultimately, losing weight comes down to one key principle: Burn more calories than you consume. The steps that follow won't work if you have a thousand more calories coming into your body on a daily basis than you have going out. Lay the foundation for weight loss with these practices:
    . count calories and keep a food diary
    . burn more calories by exercising-walk, run, even at the computer

    2.Downsize your kitchenware. The human mind works in mysterious ways. It turns out that using smaller bowls, plates, and containers can subconsciously influence how much you serve yourself. Even nutrition experts are victims of this phenomenon; when 85 of them were given a random mix of small and large bowls and scoops, those who got larger bowls served themselves 31% more ice cream, and added on another 14.5% if they had bigger scoops!

    3. Put down the fork. By putting down whatever utensils you're using between every bite, you can significantly slow down your eating time, leaving your stomach a chance to feel full and reducing the likelihood that you'll go for seconds. Another technique that can have a similar effect is to take a sip of water between each bite. Numerous studies have shown that eating slowly results in eating less. There's even a device you can get from a dentist that you wear to make your oral cavity smaller so that you take smaller bites, and "diet forks" that are so awkward to use that you'll get less food per bite!

    4. Know the enemy! Make a list of the food items that are your weaknesses. These aren't always unhealthy foods, either. Sometimes we fool ourselves into believing that as long as we avoid the "bad" foods, we're making progress. At least, that's what we like to think as we get up for our third serving of fruit salad, or finish a bag of pretzels in one sitting, saying that they're healthier than chips. Remember that too much of anything is bad. Common culprits include soda, bread, alcohol, and fast food. Whatever your weakness is, cut down on it. If you cut it out completely, you're more likely to binge. Buy only small packages of it and have it only once in a while. If cutting down doesn't work, you might need to go cold turkey.

    5. Choose whole grains over a whole belly. If you switch out all of your refined grain food (white bread, food made with white flour) for whole-grain food (oatmeal, whole-grain cereal, whole-grain pasta, brown rice and barley) you won't lose additional weight overall. However, you will lose more weight in the belly area, which will make you look thinner--at least, that's what a Penn State study implies.Not only will your slimmer profile make you feel better about your progress, but by losing the VAT (visceral adipose tissue) you're also doing away with a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, coronary vascular disease, and some types of cancer. Check those labels and make sure that any grain-based foods you buy are made up of at least fifty-one percent whole grain.

    6. Limit your spending. Some people have an easier time controlling their wallet than controlling their diet. Go ahead, cut up those credit cards, and build up your emergency fund, if you haven't already (in its own account, and leave the bank card at home). Limit the amount of cash you have in your wallet, especially if you're subject to spontaneous fast food indulgences. When you go grocery shopping, have a list prepared, and bring just enough money to cover those items (this might take a few dry runs). The embarrassment of not having enough money at the register will keep you from throwing a few extra items in the shopping cart. If you don't do the grocery shopping, then offer to take on this monumental role. Your family or roommates might complain about the absence of junk food, but you'll be doing them a favor by stocking the kitchen with healthy stuff. They'll thank you...later...years later.

    7. Set a digital watch to go off every two hours. Eat only when the watch tells you to. Spontaneous eating sessions (those times when you feel those hunger pangs, those cravings, and you scour the cabinets or the streets in search of satisfaction) are your weakest points. This is why all weight loss books tell you to avoid skipping meals. If you eat every two hours, you won't get so hungry that you gorge yourself when you do eat. You know how it goes: "Oh...I'm so hungry...the brownies are right there...I'd have to walk all the way to the deli to get a sandwich, but my stomach's churning...." Of course, if you eat the equivalent of a cheeseburger every two hours, that's a recipe for obesity, but again, you're more likely to retain self-control and stick to your diet when you don't have hunger pangs to cloud your judgment. It wouldn't hurt, however, to plan out what you'll eat (smoothie at 10, chicken salad at 12, a single piece of leftover cherry pie at 2, a slice of bread with peanut butter at 4, and so on).

     .This has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism. Extending the time between meals    makes your body go into "starvation mode," which will slow down your metabolism in response to the perceived threat of starvation. This is why fasting and skipping meals will only make things worse.

    . Another useful way to think about this is to use a "hunger scale." Rate your hunger on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being so hungry that you feel weak and 10 being so full that you just want to curl up in bed and digest. Eat when you're at about 3, which is when you're just a little hungry, but not famished.

    8. Trade weight for cash. A 2007 study showed that the more you pay people to lose weight, the more pounds they drop over a three-month period. If there's someone who keeps nagging you to lose weight, ask that person about paying you for every pound you lose. If your employer is self-insured, he or she might consider enlisting the services of a company that develops reward programs to encourage employees to lose weight. You can also sign a contract that forces you to pay up for every pound you don't lose (or every pound you gain) and whatever money you pay (or gain) can be donated to charity.

    Monday, June 25, 2012

    Simple Ways To Move Your Body

    You can start the process of weight loss now by adding a little more activity to your life. If you're not ready for a structured program, start small. Every little bit counts and it all adds up to burning more calories.

    .Turn off the TV. Once a week, turn off the TV and do something a little more physical with your family. Play games, take a walk...almost anything will be more active than sitting on the couch.

  • Walk more. Look for small ways to walk more. When you get the mail, take a walk around the block, take the dog for an extra outing each day or walk on your treadmill for 5 minutes before getting ready for work.

  • Do some chores. Shoveling snow, working in the garden, raking leaves, sweeping the floor...these kinds of activities may not be 'vigorous' exercise, but they can keep you moving while getting your house in order.

  • Pace while you talk. When you're on the phone, pace around or even do some cleaning while gabbing. This is a great way to stay moving while doing something you enjoy.

  • Be aware. Make a list of all the physical activities you do on a typical day. If you find that the bulk of your time is spent sitting, make another list of all the ways you could move more--getting up each hour to stretch or walk, walk the stairs at work, etc.

  • Eating Well
    Eating a healthy diet is another part of the healthy lifestyle. Not only can a clean diet help with weight management, it can also improve your health and quality of life as you get older.  If you're looking for smaller changes, you can use these tips for simple ways to change how you eat:

          .   Eat more fruit. Add it to your cereal, your salads or even your dinners.
    • Sneak in more veggies. Add them wherever you can--a tomato on your sandwich, peppers on your pizza, or extra veggies in your pasta sauce. Keep pre-cut or canned/frozen veggies ready for quick snacks.
    • Switch your salad dressing. If you eat full-fat dressing, switch to something lighter and you'll automatically eat less calories.
    • Eat low-fat or fat-free dairy. Switching to skim milk or fat free yogurt is another simple way to eat less calories without having to change too much in your diet.
    • Make some substitutes. Look through your cabinets or fridge and pick 3 foods you eat every day. Write down the nutritional content and, the next time you're at the store, find lower-calorie
    Creating a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to mean drastic changes. In fact, drastic changes almost always lead to failure. Making small changes in how you live each day can lead to big rewards, so figure out what you can to be healthy today. substitutes for just those 3 items.

    Comparisons of Alpha Lipid Slim Diet 2 to other products

    Many have said to me that AL Slim Diet 2 is expensive. It is a world class product formulated by Dr Carhill  and Dr Blackburn from Harvard Medical School. In addition it works for everybody!

    The Greatness of  AL Slim Diet 2 Programme :
    1. A healthy diet to lose weight naturally
    2. It tones your body and you will get your ideal body shape
    3. Long term weight management plan that is safe and healthy
    4. You don't feel tired (it contains complete ingredients that your body needs such as quality protein, vitamins, minerals and elements that your balanced body requires )
    5. Mantains the structure of your skin that is so natural and beautiful (does not sag)
    6. Gets rid of the accumulated fats in your body
    7. No hunger pangs
    8. No damaging side effects
    9. Effective and safe
    10. Halal

    Lose weight with AL Slim Diet 2. The loss is guaranteed, 1 tin of ALSD2 is equivalent to 5 kg weekly if you adhere strictly to the instructions. The fastest weight loss, maximum weight loss, cost effective and satisfaction guaranteed.

    Those who are interested to lose your body weight, wanting to know how, may contact me for more information on SD2. It's an effective weight loss programme, value for money and affordable.